Oven baked feta with tomato and crispy polenta


Two nice side dishes to have with grilled meat or chicken.

Oven baked feta with tomato

2 packages feta (made with cheap or goat milk) a 150 g

2 table spoons olive oil

200 g halfed cherry tomatoes

2 table spoons oregano

1 red chili


Heat up the oven to 200 degrees Celsius. Place the cheese in a tray. Drizzle oil over. Place the tomatoes around the cheese. Season with oregano, chopped chili and pepper. Bake in the oven for minutes.

Crispy polenta

5 dl water

2 dl polenta

1 cube vegetable stock


olive oil

Boil the water with the stock. Add the polentan. Boil for 6 minutes. Grease a tray. Pour the polenta in the tray and even out. Let cool. You can prepare this in advance and keep the polenta in the fridge. Just before serving take the polenta out and cut in triangles. Fry in butter and olive oil until golden and crispy.