

After almost three years of pandemic and difficulties to travel this Easter trip was finally made. The destination was a dear place Port D'Alcudia in Mallorca. Both traveling it self, the destination and my thoughts on traveling have changed during these years. But still it was very nice and good. The picture above in the local specialty, Pa Amb...



This week is waffle day in Sweden. Make a savory waffle with taco flavors. I'm starting to dream about the next trip abroad. During Easter it will finally happen if all plans goes well. I'm really looking forward to warm and sunny days with tasty food and a lot more. See my previous posts about my travels. To make a perfect weekend this ...

This is not eatable butter but it is delightful to use on the body after a day in the sun.

Detta inlägg är en annons för och innehåller annonslänkar.

Detta inlägg är en annons för Climatehero och innehåller annonslänkar.

Detta inlägg är en annons för Soul Factory och innehåller annonslänkar.

It was my sons birthday today and he wanted crepes. So we supported the local creperie. The birthday cake is a recipe from my husbands grand mother.

I'm a food loving mum of two kids. I love to travel the world and get inspired tasting all the delicious food from small corners around the globe. Back at home I cook every day food for my family influenced by my travels around the world.